How to prevent Preeclampsia

OK so yesterday we discussed what is preeclampsia.

Today let’s talk prevention.

Prevention is one of my FAVORITE healthcare topics to discuss cause it SAVES YOU MONEY. Yes I write in all caps frequently because I be excited- 🤣

So how do we prevent preeclampsia?

Here are 2 ways you can prevent preeclampsia

🧘🏾‍♀️ Monitor your blood pressure from the moment you find out you are pregnant, so you develop what we call a baseline. Some people naturally have a low blood pressure, some people have a naturally high blood pressure and are not symptomatic, meaning that are not having that throbbing headache, or lightheadedness we discussed yesterday. But you will only know what your baseline is, if you start taking your blood pressure. Get a log, put in it in your notes app and start getting familiar with YOUR blood pressure. Not Susie’s (if your name is Susie, please disregard-LOL). But your blood pressure.

🧘🏾‍♀️Start practicing yoga. And I aint someone that is just preaching to you, I actually practice yoga and practiced it throughout both of my pregnancies.

AND! I have an easy yoga class you can try right here. See, I got youuuuu.

If you are already diagnosed with preeclampsia, please do not beat yourself up. I got you as well. Make sure you are taking the antihypertension (lowers blood pressure) medication as prescribed by your doctor. If you are told to go to the hospital, you will most likely be given the anti hypertension medication via IV (intravenous) to get your blood pressure down real quick.

The major concern with developing preeclampsia and why there is pre before the word eclampsia, is because this is the diagnosis you get before. Before what, Lesline? Before you have a seizure. That is what your doctor is preventing. The doctor is preventing you from having a seizure. So that is why you need to manage your stress as best as you can with practicing yoga, delegating, and leaning into your support system. I will share resources and community you can tap into tomorrow.

If preeclampsia is not treated and managed the mom can become eclamptic, meaning she can have a seizure and potentially die while giving birth.

I know, scary.

I do not like to scare please believe me.

I am here to educate you.

I hope this helped.


Maternal Health Awareness Day is Today


Maternal Health Awareness Day